Weekend Edition – Resolution Smesolution Plus Good Reads and Writing Tips

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Resolutions Just Aren’t My Thing

Though my holiday decorations are all packed away, I've left a little sparkle out to brighten the winter dark. Though my holiday decorations are all packed away, I’ve left a little sparkle out to brighten the winter dark.

Ahhh … ‘tis the season of The Resolution. Can you smell the grit and determination in the air? Can you feel the electric current of commitment? I was talking with my mom yesterday, and she was lamenting how she and my dad were dreading going to their gym because it would be overrun with Resolutionists. Happily, she knows from experience that this influx of overly enthusiastic interlopers is only temporary. “In six to eight weeks, they will all be back on their couches with their potato chips,” she said.

I have never been one for resolutions. No matter how good my intentions are, they seem doomed to combust under the pressures of real life. Instead of inspiring me to be a better person, my resolutions become self-fulfilling…

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