Daily Prompt: Let It Be – if it isn’t broken, just break it

Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

A restaurant that removed your favourite item from the menu, a bad cover of a great song… Write a post about something that should’ve been left untouched, but wasn’t. Why was the original better?

Norah Street 2006

I grew up here in a house where my mum was born. There were at least 50 houses on this small strip of green lawn forming a square.The houses had a small toilet in the garden, no bathroom and no running hot water. They were demolished some time in the seventies, being classed as not fit for human habitation. This was a change for the best perhaps, but for my family about fifty years too late. I can assure you that although the original was picturesque it was better that it disappeared. Actually the whole area (the parts that were not destroyed in the war) disappeared and it has now been replaced by so-called high-rise blocks. They have their…

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[QUADRINHOS] Rage of Ultron: veja o 1º preview da graphic novel dos Vingadores


Ontem à noite a Marvel liberou um preview de algumas páginas de Avengers: Rage of Ultron, graphic novel escrita por Rick Remender, com desenhos de Jerome Opeña e cores de Dean White, que será lançada em abril, um mês antes da estréia de Vingadores: A Era de Ultron. Veja abaixo:

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Sharing Food Makes You a Better Person

[INSTAGRAM] Sam Concepcion at Dara’s Birthday Party in The Philippines ~ “Happy birthday!!!!”

Winter Arriving in U.S. Ahead of Schedule Next Week