Live-action Attack on Titan posters show new characters and weapons, plus one huge absence

Constructing Worlds

Contain Yourself: Postcards from Off the Grid

The Goat that Wrote

I just had a couple of days helping my friend Frank paint his house and generally bum around his charming inner-city Brisbane suburb. It was delightful to walk some different terrain, and take pictures of things that hadn’t washed in on the previous night’s tide.

Also, it finally rained, which made the hills and coffee shops and leg-waxing salons (it’s a very well-waxed suburb) all the more refreshing — it’s been hot of late. Yesterday, back here on the edge of the Bay, we got our long-rumoured storm: 70ml of sweet clear glory sloshed around in our backyard gauge after a mere hour; wind-whipped water poured in over the tops of my sliding windows even though they were closed. It was fantastic, and the local park resembled the Serengeti afterwards, ibis, egrets and other waders by the hundreds combing the lake-like puddles when I trotted up with my camera to investigate…

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Mega-Sena acumula e prêmio pode ir a R$ 135 milhões; veja os números

Gavião da Paraíba

Nenhuma aposta acertou as seis dezenas sorteadas no concurso 1.654 da Mega-Sena realizado nesta quarta-feira (19), em Osasco (SP).

No próximo sorteio, que vai acontecer no sábado (22) a previsão é que o prêmio chegue a R$ 135 milhões.

Veja as dezenas: 07 – 16 – 33 – 42 – 50 – 58.

A quina teve 249 acertadores e cada um vai levar R$ 34.739,50. Já a quadra pagará R$ 630,73 para cada um de seus 19.592 ganhadores.

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Homicide rate on the rise in St. Louis city