public: 34/365

Musa da Acadêmicos do Tatuapé fica nua

Police: Body of shooting victim found in burning car

Adjusting the Tone and Color of a Video Clip in Lightroom

Photofocus (old site)

Let’s continue our look at working with video in Lightroom.  In part 1 we explored Uses for Video, in part 2 Hard Drive Requirements for Video, and in part 3 Playing and Trimming Video.  Now let’s talk about adjusting tone and color of video clips.

Adjusting Tone and Color

Oftentimes, video is a medium that lacks contrast. This is because we tend to shoot it with protecting the highlights and the shadows. So in post, you could put more of that back in. After all, it’s easier to add contrast than it is to fix a shot with too much contrast. Now, you’ve probably gotten used to shooting RAW which is incredibly flexible. But when you shoot video, it’s pretty much back to the days of shooting JPEG all over again.


Things to adjust:

  • Auto Tone
  • Levels
  • Shadows & Highlights
  • Vibrancy
  • White Balance

LRV8While working with the controls…

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Transmedia: Video Storytelling is Still Missing Real Innovation

Transmedia Newswire

Welcome to the Future of Storytelling | Re/code

As consumers have shifted their viewing to interactive devices, creators are free of many of the limitations of broadcast television, but few have taken advantage of this fact. Why not embrace interactivity and innovate on formats that television simply cannot accommodate?

via Re/code

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