I’ve got a nose for… L:A Bruket

The Merrymakers

labruket (1 van 2)

Me and my nose, a love affair, but not an easy relationship that is! I’ve always been sensitive when it comes to smells. Smells are memories to me. They can make or break a moment and they stay with me even after the years have passed by.
So when I buy soap, the first thing I do, is smell it. I know you’re not allowed to, but I’m the girl in the supermarket opening all the bath soaps, smelling them (spraying them into my nose most of the time, by accident), putting it back, reconsidering etc… A whole ordeal, but when I go home with the right smell, you’ll find me in a happy mood for the weeks to follow, until the bottle runs out and I start my ‘perfect smell hunt’ all over again, cause I like to change smells from time to time…
When it comes to hand…

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Japanese Food Puns

Navigating the Justice System, Part Two: When My Parents Went to Court

Homeschoolers Anonymous

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HA note: The following is reprinted with permission from Sarah Henderson’s blog Feminist in Spite of Them. It was originally published on her blog on February 2, 2014.

< Part One

This part of Navigating the Justice System deals with a time in my life when my parents went to court and I didn’t, but I am including it in the middle of a three part series since it hinges them together. Here is what happened when my parents went to court:

When I was about 11, we were living in Ontario, where we had moved to get away from the court proceedings in Nova Scotia. However, my parents had been ordered to appear back in court in Nova Scotia. We had been going a conservative church in Ontario, for about a few months to a year. My parents talked to some of their friends in the church, and…

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Gamer discovers his deceased father’s ghost on an old Xbox game, challenges it to a race

Tribes, camps and collectivism #JSWEC #JusticeforLB

George Blogs

Short post from me today because it’s Day 2 of #JSWEC, the morning after Social Care Curry and I’ve a workshop to run later today and I’m selling VivaCards, so lots and lots of reasons why this can’t be a long or detailed post. I offer that context to also point out that this is not a well considered or reflective post, it’s just me sharing where I’m at with the world.

Last week (following Bubbgate) I wrote a post about social cares love of a false dichotomy, this week I am seeing it invested on a micro level. Last night there was a panel debate at JSWEC on A Question of Social Work. Take a look at the hashtag on twitter to get a flavour, suffice to say I was completely underwhelmed. Lots of talk about social work or academia, ‘dead’ or inspirational practice, adults or children….we’re obsessed…

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